Do you share our Green Party ideals, then why not get involved?
Hulme Greens are volunteers who live in and around Hulme. We are part of Manchester Green Party, but our funding is not unlimited and so can’t always do all the things we’d like to. This is where you can help!If you have some spare time to help us, please get in touch! Whether you’re a member or not, there are lots of things you can help with:
- Posting leaflets to residents
- Handing out leaflets at events
- Liking our posts on Facebook
- Following us and re-tweeting on Twitter
- Canvassing – this is not as daunting as it sounds, and we would provide training and support in a friendly atmosphere for those who haven’t done it before
- Talking to people on stalls
- Folding leaflets
- Looking out for planning applications affecting your area
- Writing a piece for our blog about a Hulme issue you care about
- Telling us when there’s something happening in your street – good or bad!
- Displaying one of our posters at election times
- Joining us on local campaigns
- Help us with fundraising – maybe you know someone who’d like to put on a benefit gig? Or you have a venue we could use for free?
- ...or anything else you can think of!
If you are not yet a member but would like a greater say in addressing Green Issues, why not join?
And finally, printing leaflets and organising events requires money, it does not cost much to become a member but there are a lot of calls on that money before it gets down to the local campaigns. Donations to the local party will be used to fund local activities.